Favorite Cheeseburger Casserole

by 247tasty

It is easy to make this casserole, and it can be cooked and heated when necessary. I’ve got a whole saucepan dish in the fridge for whoever wants a taste of this delicious casserole. The base is produced with a mixture of beef and tomatoes and a layer of pasta (any type works well) then covered with mild cheddar and diced picking.

Skip the drive and satisfy the hunger of your family at home with a warm, bonded entry that just feels right when the weather is chilly. The winter answer to the summer cookouts of our Cheeseburger Casserole: the dish offers all you love for a fresh cheeseburger, but you could quickly throw all this together in the comfort of your kitchen. In a convenient casserole combine your favourite burger toppings with a flaccid pastry.

Preparation Time: 15 Minutes
Cooking Time: 25 Minutes
Serves: 6-9
Method: Bake


1 lb ground meat
1 Tbsp beef bouillon, canned
2-3 Tbsp Worcestershire sauce
1 tsp yellow mustard
3 tsp ketchup
1/2 tsp garlic powder
1/2 tsp onion powder
1 Tbsp seasoned salt (Lawry’s)


1 box macaroni and cheese
6 slice bread
2 c cheddar cheese, shredded
1/2 small onion, minced
3 large pickles


1. Heat a 440-degree oven in advance. Butter 6 bread slices.

2. In an ungreased bakery dish, put butter-side down.

3. Sprinkle over the bread 1 cup of cheddar scraped cheese

4. Prepare the mac ‘n’ box for the directions of the package. You can also begin meat during this time.

5. In a large skillet, combine all the “meat-mixed ingredients.”

6. Brown the meat to almost complete. Some pieces of meat that are not cooked throughout still should be available.

7. The mac ‘n’ cheese should now be made and poured on the cheesed bread.

8. Then, on the mac ‘n’ cheese, pour the meat.

9. Sprinkle over the meat with the other cup of shredded cheese.

10. Sprinkle the onions and pickles on top.

11. Finally, you will have your ketchup bottle and pull up the casserole with the “zig-zag” of ketchup.

12. Bake until all the cheese is melt and the meat has finished for 20-25 minutes.

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