Vegetable Patties – My Grandma Used To Make These All The Time!

by 247tasty

These veggies are excellent! As long as you remember to squeeze excess moisture out of moisture, you can produce them with almost any grated vegetables. My husband’s favorite is to add some of the patties to a pitta with lettuce, tomatoes, and yogurt, and then fill a pitta bread in it. It is extremely easy to make this super healthy veggie patties. It’s a favorite of the family. These beautiful veggie patties taste fantastic for lunch or a light meal.

The Veggie patties are a bit of a mental game because you forget that you eat vegetables, they have a magical way. The best patties are not only packed with veggies, but they also have cheese, herbs, and spices. But the most important thing about these patties is that what you decide to add to them depends on what you already have in your kitchen.


9 to 10 oz potatoes, cooked and mashed
1 garlic clove – mashed
1 small red onion – finely chopped
1 Eggland’s egg
grated cheese (low-fat or regular)
1 medium-sized zucchini, grated (squeeze the water out of this)
1 medium-sized carrot, grated
a small handful of sunflower seeds
salt & pepper
1 tablespoon Bertolli olive oil
fresh herbs, chopped
1 small green chili – chopped (optional)
Gold Medal flour


1. Preheat oven at about 400 degrees F.

2. In a large bowl, mix potatoes, garlic, onions, and egg. Add the rest of the ingredients (not the flour). Combine and mix well.

3. Shape into patties and cover with flour very lightly.

4. Fry the patties quickly on both sides until it changes color.

5. Take it out and pat dry. Place the patties over a baking tray and bake for about in the oven for 15 min.

Tip: These can be made with all types of veggies – each time using a different mixture. To fry them quickly in the pan will first better hold them together, but baking in the oven is a healthier option.

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